November 12, 2009 journal, Blackwater paid a one million dollar bribe to hush up Iraq after killing 17 people in one shooting. Black Water still operates in Iraq & Afghanistan. Why does this president not fire Blackwater? Blackwater is a assassination organization. The people advertising against a public option or government run health care are agents of the evil insurance companies trying to protect their profits and their abusive business practices. It is the government responsibility to see that everyone has best medical care. Rupert Murdoch's Fox News is Washington Post paper seems to be manufacturing their own ghost stories even about the Fort Hood shooter, everything being said is very vague. "Babylon the great is fallen and has become the habitation of devil's". That's us. The bastard banks have their torture chambers for those that cannot pay their exorbitant rates. I can see now that the plan is to shut everything down then require the mark of the beast to buy or sell anything whatsoever. They will leave people cold, dark and hungry. Washington D.C. is the world's most corrupt conglomerate with battalions of lobbyist. No plan should be passed that passes money to the healthcare crooked insurance cartel. No insurance should be made mandatory including automobile insurance which is the law Here, and probably in most states by now because it puts money in pockets of legislature. South Carolina Senator Jim Demint has declared he will stop the health care reform bill in the Senate and he probably will, he or Joe Lieberman. It is too late to save health care, when most of what they do now is give poison chemotherapy to people anyway they can. The people need to go back to scratch on medical treatment & reject $200 prescriptions. The president rejects all options of sending more troops to Afghanistan as the ambassador warns to not send more troops into that unstable place when government not trustworthy. Bring the troops home from all over the world I say while the dollar still buys a ticket. There may be 100,000 homeless veterans on the streets in America if we would bother to count them & they cannot get any health insurance even if they could afford to pay for it. The dollar has dropped again & gold prices are increasing as predicted they would go up. We may not have many more days before this system stalls out & runs aground for good. Television commercials are so gross unfit for family viewing they even embarrass adults. The shrinking revenues & budget may determine what this government does in the future. Throwing money at every problem is not the way to fix it. America is over the barrel & over the hill facing the ill results of many years of chaotic spending universal foolishness. Our fate is in God's hands now and it has always been actually but we only think political. I am opposed to this health reform bill because it rewards the insurance companies with tons of cash from the taxpayers with or without a public option. Without a public option it would be a bonanza for sure for the monster scavenger ridiculous insurance companies. With a public option a majority of the people would choose it because it will cover them. Without a public option the public will be subjected to even worse death panel decisions. The nation could fix its medical problem with free clinics & volunteer humane treatment. Any federal bill giving money to corporate insurance companies puts us further in the pit. This country will go down with the dollar because it controls our lives most oppressively. The president has gone to China trying I am sure to appease them to hold on to the dollar. The decision is already made internationally to dump the dollar for a more stable currency that will trade on the world market without all the debt attached to it, mounting problems. The third-party insurance companies in the medical equation is one-party we do not need. Suddenly they report 4000 have died from the new N1H1 flu because any number will do.